Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9

Editor's Review - Advanced Uninstaller PRO

out of 5





Advanced Uninstaller Pro is a powerful suite of system utilities including a state of the art programs uninstaller tool, Start Menu tools, browsers and system registry tools.

The tools are beautifully structured into six categories: 'General Tools', 'File & Folder Tools', 'Internet Browser Tools', 'Registry Tools', 'Reports & Info'. The categories are displayed as buttons on the left hand side of the program window; on the right hand side of the program window you can also find the tools of each category. This thing makes the program extremely easy to use.

In the 'General Tools' category we can find the programs uninstaller tool which allows you also to remove invalid entries, forcefully remove programs and view program properties. The are also included: an installations monitor, a startup manager (customize programs which start with Windows), a font manager, a Control Panel and Windows Services. The nice thing about the 'Windows Services' category is that there are a few profiles from which to choose from (for example: original settings, gaming configuration, safe configuration etc.). You can also find a Service Editor which allows you to start or stop manually any service.